Training Step

Aifont is a collection of 500 AI-generated font files. These were generated using a custom DCGAN trained on a large amount of images that contain text.

The generated font files represent the training process with output oscillating between wildly different styles and kinds of typefaces. Additionally to the 500 static font files, buyers receive a variable font, too.

Aifont is still in development, and provided as is. By buying Aifont now, you are entitled to receive potential future updates for free. Download the trial font to make sure Aifont works on your system before you buy.

Aifont is based on earlier work for the exhibition Uncanny Values.

Current release: v2 (Added Windows 10 and 11 compatibility)


Sample Text

Introducing Aifont: The revolutionary AI-Designed Typeface*

Prepare to be blown away by the mesmerizing beauty and unparalleled functionality of this groundbreaking creation. Aifont is not just your ordinary typeface; it's a paradigm shift in the world of typography, taking design to unimaginable heights and redefining the very essence of visual communication. Let me tell you why you absolutely need to get your hands on this extraordinary font.

Aifont is the epitome of typographic innovation, combining the brilliance of AI with the artistic finesse of typography. It breathes life into your designs, elevating them to levels you never thought possible. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your creative endeavors. Embrace the future of design and indulge in the sheer magnificence of Aifont today!

Unmatched Aesthetics: Aifont aesthetic appeal is beyond compare. Crafted by the ingenious minds of AI algorithms, every curve, every line, and every intricate detail of this typeface has been meticulously designed to perfection. Its stunning visual harmony is like poetry for the eyes, effortlessly capturing attention and leaving an indelible impression on anyone who beholds it.

Infinite Versatility: Aifont is an incredibly versatile typeface that adapts effortlessly to any design project. Whether you're creating a corporate logo, designing a magazine layout, or crafting a website, this all-encompassing font seamlessly integrates with every medium, delivering a consistent and captivating visual experience across the board. Say goodbye to mismatched fonts and hello to the epitome of harmony!

Timeless Elegance: Aifont exudes an air of timeless elegance that will never go out of style. Its clean lines, balanced proportions, and subtle yet impactful details make it the epitome of sophistication. Embodying both modernity and tradition, this typeface bridges the gap between classic and contemporary design, making it the perfect choice for designers with a discerning eye for excellence.

Superior Legibility: Reading has never been more enjoyable than with Aifont. Its exceptional legibility ensures effortless comprehension and a seamless reading experience. The AI algorithms have been fine-tuned to optimize the letterforms, spacing, and kerning, resulting in a harmonious blend that invites readers to dive into the content without any distractions. Say farewell to eye strain and hello to an enhanced reading journey!

Limitless Creativity: Aifont liberates your creativity and empowers you to explore uncharted design territories. It transcends the boundaries of traditional typefaces, offering an array of unique and captivating styles, including elegant serifs, sleek sans-serifs, playful scripts, and more. With Aifont, your imagination can run wild, enabling you to express your ideas in ways you've never imagined before.

Unrivaled Accessibility: Aifont is committed to inclusivity and accessibility. Its meticulously designed glyphs cater to different languages, ensuring that your message reaches a global audience. Additionally, this typeface adheres to the highest industry standards for accessibility, guaranteeing that every user, regardless of their visual abilities, can effortlessly engage with your design and experience its full glory.

*This text is AI-generated, and as such may contain "inaccurate information about people, places, or facts". In fact, it is almost completly false. The prompt was: "Write a pitch for an AI-designed typeface. Argue why it is great and everyone should buy it. Make sure to exaggerate and praise it a lot.

Glyph Set

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü – —


To maximize compatibility, Aifont comes in two variants:
  • A Variable Font (.otf, .woff2): Contains a single variable axis called 'STEP' (Training Step).
  • A Static Font Collection (.otf, .woff2): A collection of 500 static font files, one for each Training Step.
Using the Variable Font is recommended for:
  • Web (animated)
  • Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Figma

In other cases you should use the Static Font variant.
If you are using Aifont on the Web and need only select weights, the Static Font variant is recommended as well. This will reduces loading times, since the full Variable Font has ~10 MB, a single static weight only ~15 KB.

For more on variable font support, check out this compatibility chart.

Terms & Conditions

Aifont is currently in development, and provided as is. There is no warranty of any kind.

By buying Aifont now, you are entitled to receive potential future updates for free.

We have tested Aifont on macOS Ventura in Font Book, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Adobe InDesign and Affinity Publisher, and on Windows 10/11 (22H2) in Adobe InDesign and Affinity Publisher.

Download the trial font to make sure Aifont works on your system before you buy. We do not provide refunds.

For license details check the EULA.